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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Chop Wood Carry Water

"What did you do before enlightenment?"
Chop wood, carry water
"What did you do after enlightenment?"
Chop wood, carry water

I've always loved my life. I take it as it comes but in reality,
name the other choices. Take last month for example when I
was awakened and tossed from my bed as the walls were weaving.
"Oh crumb, we're having an earthquake," I thought.

 I'm not a nitwit pollyanna who sees the rosey glow in all of
life's little misfortunes.There's plenty of crappola in this world
to moan about, as in,   "Have you had your daily moan today?"

I am sometimes questioned of why I should be happy when
I spent the first 15 years of my life living like a character from
"The Grapes of Wrath." Don't let anyone tell you the Great
Depression lasted only a few years. It ended with WW2. Ask
any one who lived it.

I believe my youth led me to appreciate food, the kind of food
grown in rich humus-filled soil that allows a human body to run
like a well-oiled machine.

That's how I spend my summers..... I GROW A LOT OF MY
OWN FOOD.  Dirty fingernails, sunburn, achy muscles......
I love it all.  Yesterday I had my first vine-ripened tomato and
creamy-white mashed home-grown spuds.

 Apricots from the 3rd apricot tree
are drying in the Excalibur like the beautiful little droplets of
Laetrile.  My pole bean's tendriles are reaching out for
more poles to grab. Two pumpkins have already reached  a
vibrant orange color and a few water melons are ready for a
picnic. The cherries ripened early but I was so busy I gave them
to a friend for jam.  Apples on the tree. Last year I made apple
cider.  A few plums high on the tree but not too many this
year. I was a little late with the swiss chard but it's
on it's way.

Growing and sharing my food is one of the things that makes
me very happy and healthy. Life is so simple but also a
mysterious miracle.

But, you may ask, "what do you do when the cold winter comes?"

Note to my blogging friends........I appologize for my absence
this summer as I fall into bed, too pooped to lift a finger on the
computer.  Just a little more to harvest and I'll return. CHEERS